Bibliographie: Amenophis II

Aharoni, Yohanan. Some geographical remarks concerning the campaigns of Amenhotep II. JNES 19 (1960): 177-183.

Aldred, Cyril. The Second Jubilee of Amenophis II. ZAS 94 (1967): 1-6.

Amer, Amin A.M.A. Asiatic Prisoners taken in the Reign of Amenophis II. Scripta Mediterranean 5 (Toronto, 1984): 27-28.

Bothmer, Bernard V. A Contemporary of King Amenhotep II at Karnak. Karnak 5 (1975): 115-118.

Decker, Wolfgang. Sportliche Elemente im altägyptischen Krönungsritual. Überlegungen zur Sphinx-Stele Amenophis' II. SAK 5 1977: 1-20.

Defossez, Michel. L'inscription d'Amenhotep II à Giza: Notes de lecture. GM 85 (1985): 25-36.

Der Manuelian, Peter Studies in the Reign of Amenophis II (Hildesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge 26). Hildesheim, 1987.

Helck, Wolfgang. Zu den Königinnen Amenophis II. GM 53 (1982): 23.

Hornung, Erik. Amenophis II. I, 1975, 203-206.

Rainey, Anson F. Amenhotep II's Campaign to Takshi. JARCE 10 (1973): 71-75.

Sourouzian, Hourig. A Bust of Amenophis II at the Kimbell Art Museum. JARCE 28 (1991):55-74.

Spalinger, Anthony. The Historical Implications of the Year 9 Campaign of Amenophis II. JSSEA 13 (1983): 89-101.

Vandersleyen, Claude. L'Egypte et al vallée du Nil, T.II: De la fin de l'Ancirn Empire à la fin du Nouvel Empire (Nouvelle Clio. L'histoire et ses problèmes). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1995. S. 318-341.

Van Siclen III, Charles C. The Alabaster Shrine of King Amenhotep II. San Antonio Texas, Van Siclen Books, 1986.

Van Siclen III, Charles C. Amenhotep II and the Mut Temple Complex at Karnak. VA 3 (1987): 281-261.

Van Siclen III, Charles C. Amenhotep II at Dendera (Iunet). VA 1 (1985): 69-73.

Van Siclen III, Charles C. Amenhotep II's Bark Chapel for Amen at North Karnak. BIFAO 86 (1986), 353-359.

Van Siclen III, Charles C. A New Historical Text of Amenhotep II. GM 82 (1984): 61-64.

Van Siclen III, Charles C. Preliminary report on epigraphic work done in the edifice of Amenhotep II. Seasons of 1988-89 and 1989-90. VA 6 (1990): 75-90.

Van Siclen III, Charles C. Two Monuments from the Reign of Amenhotep II. San Antonio Texas, Van Siclen Books, 1982.

Zayed, Abdel Hamid. Une représentation inédite des campagnes d'Aménophis II. In: Paule Posener-Kriéger (ed.), Mélanges Gamal Mokhtar, vol.I (=BdE 97.1). Kairo, IFAO 1985: 5-17, Tafeln I, II.

Zivie, Christiane. La stèle d'Aménophis II à Giza. A propos d'une interprétation récente. SAK 8 (1980): 269-284.

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